Pages: 208
Binding: softcover
Joyce Rupp
By: Michael Leach
"Joyce Rupp's value as a guide for the spiritual journey is without question."—Paula D’Arcy
"This pitch-perfect curation of Rupp's gems reminds me that she's one of the five essential spiritual writers of the last half-century." --Jon M. Sweeney, author, The Pope Who Quit and Inventing Hell
"Through prayerful poetry and prose Joyce Rupp has long illuminated our world as sacred. Essential Writings is a glorious place to begin and to continue learning from her. This collection is gift without ceasing." --Meredith Gould, author, Desperately Seeking Spirituality
Joyce Rupp is an Iowa farmer's daughter, a sister to seven, a Sister to many. She is a planter, grower, and spiritual midwife. She is a writer, speaker, and retreat giver who receives invitations from five continents. Her books have been published in seven languages, including Croatian and Indonesian. She sings both chant and golden oldies, teaches theology and practices transpersonal psychology, is a lifelong Catholic appreciated by people of all faiths and criticized by some in her own faith as "out there."
Drawing on key themes from her many influential books, Joyce Rupp: Essential Writings shows you where Joyce is at, where she came from and where she is going, who she is, what she is like, and what she knows for sure, all in her own words.
Michael Leach is editor-at-large and publisher emeritus of Orbis Books, and the author and editor of many books, most recently Positively Catholic (Loyola Press, 2016). He also edited Joyce Rupp's other books for Orbis, including The Cosmic Dance, Prayer, and Walk in a Relaxed Manner.