Series - Ecology and Justice

Series - Ecology and Justice


 Ecology and Justice


Advisory Board Members

Mary Evelyn Tucker
John A. Grim
Leonardo Boff
Sean McDonagh




The Orbis Series on Integral Ecology publishes books seeking to integrate an understanding of Earth’s interconnected life systems with sustainable social, political, and economic systems that enhance the Earth community.

  • Books in the series concentrate on ways to reexamine human–Earth relations in light of contemporary cosmological and ecological science.
  • Develop visions of common life marked by ecological integrity and social justice.
  • Expand on the work of those exploring such fields as integral ecology, climate justice, Earth law, ecofeminism, and animal protection.
  • Promote inclusive participatory strategies that enhance the struggle of Earth’s poor and oppressed for ecological justice.
  • Deepen appreciation for dialogue within and among religious traditions on issues of ecology and justice.
  • Encourage spiritual discipline, social engagement, and the transformation of religion and society toward these ends. 
Viewing the present moment as a time for fresh creativity and inspired by the encyclical Laudato Si’, the series seeks authors who speak to ecojustice concerns and who bring into this dialogue perspectives from the Christian communities, from the world’s religions, from secular and scientific circles, or from new paradigms of thought and action.


  To submit a proposal for the series, please follow the Orbis submission guidelines and use the subject line "Book Proposal: Ecology & Justice Series."

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