Click Here to view our latest catalog - Spring 2025
Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings
Jesus Was a Migrant
Laudate Deum: Apostolic Exhortation to All People of Good Will on the Climate Crisis–With Selections from the Encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home
With the Smell of the Sheep
Undoing Conquest: Ancient Israel, the Bible, and the Future of Christianity
Religious Life at the Crossroads
A New Way to Be Church
Once Upon a Time in Asia
I Am Indeed Your Brother
This Our Exile
Honoring the Void
Down Deep in my Soul : An African American Catholic Theology of Preaching
Once Upon a Time in Africa
God's Quad: Small Faith Communities on Campus and Beyond
Community of Missionary Disciples: The Continuing Creation of the Church
Rising : Learning from Women's Leadership in Catholic Ministries
Christ Among the Classes: The Rich, the Poor, and the Mission of the Church
Refuge in Hell
The Same Fate as the Poor
Seeds of Justice
Leveling The Praying Field: Can the Church We Love, Love Us Back?
To the Margins
Structures of Grace
Priestly Ministry and the People of God: Hopes and Horizons
Mirrors of Grace
A Faith That Frees
Here I Am, Lord
What Is the Mission of the Church?
On the Threshold of the Future
Hearts on Fire: The Story of the Maryknoll Sisters
Torrent of Grace: A Catholic Survivor's Healing Journey after Clergy Abuse
The Misfit
God's Mission and Postmodern Culture
Doing Local Theology
Religious Life for Our World
Love in a Fearful Land
Transforming Mission
The Blindfold's Eyes
Redeeming the Past
History of the World Christian Movement Volume II