Click Here to view our latest catalog - Fall 2024
Spirituality of Liberation
God's Mission and Postmodern Culture
Doing Local Theology
Reclaiming Stolen Earth: An Africana Ecotheology
A Black Theology of Liberation, 50th Anniversary Edition
The Tao of Liberation
Francis of Assisi
God of the Oppressed
"Why We Can't Wait" : Racism and the Church
Black Theology and Black Power 50th Ann
The Spirituals and the Blues: 50th Anniversary Edition
A Harvey Cox Reader
Introducing Liberative Theologies
A Native American Theology
Justice and Only Justice
Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins - 3rd Edition
Contemporary Mission Theology
Christianity (Opera Omnia III.2)
Altogether Gift
Ignacio Ellacuria
Jesus the Liberator
The God of Life
From the Heart of Our People
Environmental Science and Theology in Dialogue
Consecrated Religious Life
Christianity and the Religions
Christian Thought Revisited
Catholic Moral Theology and Social Ethics
Birth of a Church
On Job
For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church, 40th Anniversary Edition
Christ Without Borders
The New Catholicity
One Earth, Many Religions
Models of Contextual Theology
Introducing Christianity
Introducing Contemporary Theologies
Created in God's Image
Constants in Context
Christianity in Africa