Click Here to view our latest catalog - Fall 2024
Catholic Engagement with World Religions
An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective
Ambassadors of Reconciliation - Volume II
Ambassadors of Reconciliation - Volume 1
Voice of the Voiceless
A Christology of Religions
American Indian Liberation
A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation
No Salvation Outside the Poor
Where Is God?
Holy Trinity, Perfect Community
Christ the Liberator
The Principle of Mercy
Jesus Christ Liberator
Enacting Integral Human Development
Practical Theology
On Naming the Present
New Directions in Mission & Evangelization 2
Mission in the Twenty-First Century
In Our Own Tongues
For My People
Eschatology and Hope
Dynamics of Theology
Creation and the Cross: The Mercy of God for a Planet in Peril- paperback
Applied Ethics in a World Church
Creation, Grace, and Redemption
Constructing Local Theologies - Revised
Conscience and Catholic Education: Theology, Administration, and Teaching
Compassionate Ministry
Christianity and Science
Caminemos Con Jesus
Being Religious Interreligiously
Passion of Christ, Passion of the World
Struggles for Power in Early Christianity
Dictionary of Third World Theologies
Introducing Black Theology of Liberation
Systematic Theology
Mujerista Theology
Gustavo Gutierrez: Essential Writings