The God of Life - Orbis Books


Pages: 275

Binding: Softcover

The God of Life

By: Gustavo Gutierrez
  • $28.00


Who and where is God? How are we to speak of God? In his most accessible work to date, Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutierrez looks at these classic questions by reviewing the entire Bible from the standpoint of the struggling poor: those who hunger both for God and for bread. His answers challenge all Christians to a deepening of faith and a commitment to action.

Gutierrez identifies God as the God of life, as the One who confront the idols of death – greed and corruption, oppression and violence – and liberates us to enter the fullness of life. The God of the Bible is the defender of the poor who enters into the relationship of loving commitment with all people. Where do we find this God? In our practice, in the project of Jesus, in the life of faithful solidarity and witness to life.

Not since his much-acclaimed We Drink from Our Own Wells has Gutierrez reach so clearly and accessibly into the heart of faith: a love of God inseparable from a love of neighbor.

Gustavo Gutierrez, a Dominican priest, is a native of Lima Peru, and educated in Lima, Chile, and Europe. In his work, Gutierrez’s theological training is joined with experience of living and working among the poor of Rimac, a Lima slum, where he also founded and directs the Bartolome de Las Casas Center. His books include the classic A Theology of Liberation, The Power of the Poor in History, We Drink from Our Wells, The Truth Shall Make You Free, and is featured with Dr. Paul Farmer in the book In the Company of the Poor: Conversations with Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez and Dr. Paul Farmer. Fr. Gutierrez currently teaches at the University of Notre Dame.

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