Nonviolence in America | Orbis Books
Nonviolence in America - Orbis Books


Pages: 456

Binding: softcover

Nonviolence in America

By: Staughton Lynd Alice Lynd
  • $50.00


One of the great classics of documentary history. I wish every young person in this country would read it for its wisdom and inspiration. ”--Howard Zinn, author, A People's History of the United States

"Shows us the essential role that nonviolent direct action has played throughout US history and especially in this new century. We are deeply fortunate to have Staughton and Alice Lynd guiding us so wisely toward the nonviolent thought and tactics that can and will establish equal justice for all." --Michael G. Long, editor, Christian Peace and Nonviolence: A Documentary History

"An essential piece of US history. The Lynds are to be commended for being so diligent in their research. They are even more to be commended and honored for their personal commitment to social justice." --Dan Salerno, in lifesomethings: thoughts on faith, God, and social justice

Nonviolence in America is a comprehensive compilation of primary sources that document the history of nonviolence in the United States from colonial times to the present. This newly revised edition begins with writings by William Penn and John Woolman and ends with the recent campaign of water protectors at Standing Rock in North Dakota.

Classic texts by Henry David Thoreau, William James, Martin Luther King, Jr., Barbara Deming, David Dellinger, and Dorothy Day complement first-person narratives from campaigns for peace, womens suffrage, labor, Civil Rights, and other neglected struggles for peace and justice.

Staughton Lynd, historian, activist for civil rights and peace, and attorney, is the author of many books including Intellectual Origins of American Radicalism (Cambridge) and Accompanying: Pathways to Social Change (PM Press).

Alice Lynd, a draft counselor during the Vietnam War, is the author of We Won't Go: Personal Accounts of War Objectors (Beacon). Together they have edited oral histories and written Moral Injury and Nonviolent Resistance: Breaking the Cycle of Violence in the Military and Behind Bars (PM Press).

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