The Gift of Mission | Orbis Books
The Gift of Mission - Orbis Books


Pages: 224

Binding: Softcover

The Gift of Mission

By: James H. Kroeger
  • $48.00


In 2011 the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers celebrated one hundred years of mission work in more than forty countries around the world in a symposium that brought together missioners, theologians, and scholars with a wide range of expertise and insights. These selected essays explore both the achievements and failures of the past and the challenges and rewards that mission outreach experiences today in our pluralistic world. Acknowledging and honoring the past, The Gift of Mission also provides perspectives into the future of Christian mission and the changing nature of that mission in the 21st century—and beyond.

Contributors include Cardinal Francis George, Robert Schreiter, Peter Phan, Dana Robert, Bishop Ricardo Ramirez, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Barbara Reid, Daniel Groody, and many others.

James H. Kroeger, M.M., is professor of mission theology at the Loyola School of Theology and the East Asian Pastoral Institute in Manila, Philippines. He has written or edited more than thirty books and contributed to many others. He serves as president of the Philippine Association of Catholic Missiologists and as executive secretary of the Asian-born Missionary Societies Forum.

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