Evolutionary Faith | Orbis Books
Evolutionary Faith - Orbis Books


Pages: 280

Binding: Softcover

Evolutionary Faith

By: Diarmuid O'Murchu
  • $28.00


"O'Murchu is a London-based priest and social psychologist whose previous works include Quantum Theology and Our World in Transition; his latest uses the insights of science and the convictions of environmentalism to suggest that humanity's next evolution will both unite humanity with the life of the planet and bring us closer to God. O'Murchu is, in effect, a post-Teilhardian theologian, and as Teilhard de Chardin is rather little discussed nowadays, O'Murchu's ideas may be of great interest to the spiritual seeker." - Library Journal

How did we get here? What does it mean? And where on earth are we headed? Bestselling author Diarmuid O'Murchu (Quantum Theology) offers exciting answers in this popular synthesis of science, theology, and spirituality. In a straightforward yet inspiring style, O'Murchu deconstructs old paradigms and reveals new horizons that offer hope not only for the future, but for the present.

Diarmuid OMurchu, a priest of the Sacred Heart Missionary Congregation, is the author of several books that have changed the way we think about religion, spirituality, and science. They include Adult Faith (2010), Ancestral Grace (Orbis, 2008), Consecrated Religious Life (2006), The Transformation of Desire (Orbis, 2007), Quantum Theology, (Crossroad, 2004), and Evolutionary Faith (Orbis, 2002). He lives in London and lectures on four continents.


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