The Story of the Noosphere | Orbis Books
The Story of the Noosphere Orbis Books


Pages: 208

Binding: Hardcover

The Story of the Noosphere

By: Brian Thomas Swimme and Monica DeRaspe-Bolles
  • $28.00




The Story of the Noosphere provides a delightful sequel to . . . The Universe Story. Replete with examples of Humanity’s evolutionary potential and full of practical ways to guide our forward evolutionary movement toward ever greater consciousness, this is a book about hope. Its breath-taking illustrations and lyrical text will inspire people of all ages.” –Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, president, American Teilhard Association


“Breathtaking, lyrical, and magically illuminated. . . . Conjures a possible future so enchanting that it just might unify humanity and spawn a regeneration of something supremely beautiful: a flourishing and evolving Earth Community. Brian and Monica have gifted us a visionary and prophetic portrait of our destiny as intended by the universe itself. Truly inspirational!” –Bill Plotkin, author, Soulcraft and The Journey of Soul Initiation


“Drawing on what’s best in science, Swimme and DeRaspe-Bolles trace out our origins and project where we might be going. This is a book for both the curious who wonder about our origins and for the fearful who are uneasy about the interface of science and faith and about our future. This is a remarkable book, a needed one, and a very readable one.” –Ronald Rolheiser, Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX


“This is . . . an epic odyssey, adorned with poetic stanzas and enlivened by visual art. A masterly inspiring vision from one of the great scientific and spiritual minds of the 21st century. . . . In contemporary societies, a great leap is taking place. Human consciousness is awakening to its participation in a collective, planetary mind.” –Diarmuid O’Murchu, author, Ecological SpiritualityAncestral Grace, and Evolutionary Faith



The Story of the Noosphere is the latest edition of Brian Thomas Swimme’s cosmological work. Together with philosopher Monica DeRaspe-Bolles, Swimme explores heredity, tools, reflective consciousness, communication, population, trade, cerebralization, and convergence across four eras of human history. Based on contemporary science and empirical data, the book challenges readers to move past Modernity’s overemphasis on rationality and embrace the dynamism of imagination and reflection, into the noospheric era—the unification of humanity. The book has an accompanying YouTube series.


Brian Thomas Swimme is Director of the Third Story of the Universe at Human Energy, a public benefit non-profit that focuses on scientific and interdisciplinary research on the future of human collective consciousness. Swimme did his doctoral work in gravitational dynamics at the University of Oregon. With Mary Evelyn Tucker, he authored the book and film Journey of the


Monica DeRaspe-Bolles is a doctoral student at the California Institute of Integral Studies and a consultant at The Human Energy Project, Orinda, CA. With Brian Thomas Swimme and Devin O'Dea, she created the popular YouTube video series "Story of the Noosphere." She lives at Blueberry Front, Snohomish, WA, a research center for time-developmental cosmology.


This book has an accompanying YouTube series.

Cover design:  Regina Gelfer

Cover art:        Sebastian Swimme



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