Pages: 272
Binding: Softcover
Catholicity and Emerging Personhood
By: Daniel P. Horan, OFM
"Both science and the growing ecological crisis are forcing us to rethink the place of the human being in creation. Daniel Horan provides us with original and compelling insights into how our understanding of the human person can be resituated in Christian theology. A valuable contribution to an urgent call for our times." --Robert Schreiter, author, The New Catholicity: Theology between the Global and the Local
"In our current ecological crisis, there is a need for theologies that take science and the human connections with the world seriously. In seeking wholeness, and 'loving the dust we are,' Daniel Horan offers a fresh understanding of our situation in the world and before God that is Catholic in the fullest sense." --Dr. Susan A. Ross, professor of Theology emerita and Faculty Scholar, Loyola University Chicago
"Drawing insights from Christian writers including Augustine, Aquinas, and Scotus and deploying a hermeneutic of catholicity, Daniel Horan uncovers how static or rigid approaches to theologizing not only overlook the complexity of demanding questions, but deprive Christians of the responsibility to think theology anew in every age. Horan's writing is theologically rigorous yet supple, theoretically critical yet accessible; it is a joy to read!" --M. Shawn Copeland, professor of Theology emerita, Boston College, and author, Knowing Christ Crucified
"In our current ecological crisis, there is a need for theologies that take science and the human connections with the world seriously. In seeking wholeness, and 'loving the dust we are,' Daniel Horan offers a fresh understanding of our situation in the world and before God that is Catholic in the fullest sense." --Dr. Susan A. Ross, professor of Theology emerita and Faculty Scholar, Loyola University Chicago
"Drawing insights from Christian writers including Augustine, Aquinas, and Scotus and deploying a hermeneutic of catholicity, Daniel Horan uncovers how static or rigid approaches to theologizing not only overlook the complexity of demanding questions, but deprive Christians of the responsibility to think theology anew in every age. Horan's writing is theologically rigorous yet supple, theoretically critical yet accessible; it is a joy to read!" --M. Shawn Copeland, professor of Theology emerita, Boston College, and author, Knowing Christ Crucified
“The breadth of this study—the author draws on thinkers ranging from the scholars, liberation and feminist theologians, and Continental philosophers— offers much to those interested in theological and philosophical anthropology, theological ethics, and the relation between scientific and theological worldviews. By involving such diverse voices and perspectives in developing an inclusive and expansive theological account of the human person, Horan’s study is a valuable contribution to future discussions in theological anthropology.”--Dante J. Clementi in AAR Reading Religion

Traditional theological considerations of the human person presume a radically anthropocentric starting point. Yet, ongoing discoveries in the natural sciences and a renewed attention to the theological tradition pose challenges to this inherited way of thinking about personhood. This book offers a constructive theological reflection on the meaning and identity of the human person through the lens of evolution and contemporary science.
Each chapter builds on a foundational reconsideration of the theological anthropological tradition to resituate humanity within the broader community of creation while highlighting the true catholicity of personhood within Christian tradition.
Daniel P. Horan, OFM, is a Franciscan friar and assistant professor of systematic theology and spirituality at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago. He is the author of several books, including All God's Creatures: A Theology of Creation and Postmodernity and Univocity: A Critical Account of Radical Orthodoxy and John Duns Scotus.
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