The Church Cannot Remain Silent | Orbis Books
The Church Cannot Remain Silent - Orbis Books


Pages: 144

Binding: softcover

The Church Cannot Remain Silent

By: Oscar Romero
  • $20.00


"These letters provide nuance to the legacy of Oscar Romero and reveal how a figure who fought for great social change was also a pastor ministering to people in their particular circumstances. Romero destroys caricatures about liberation theology and demonstrates how political commitment and profound faith come together in a seamless whole." --Michael E. Lee, Fordham University

"These short excerpts from Romero's vast personal correspondence are a delight. Most just a paragraph or two long, they touch on both the events that made him famous and on the day-to-day joys and sorrows of his people, especially the poor. This is a Romero vade mecum, a handy pocket-book offering gems on every page." --Tom Quigley, former advisor to the U.S. bishops on Latin America

"A surprising and incisive look into the very heart and soul of a Central American martyr whose public life ... lacked the full warmth of his humanity. Full of the bishop's tender advice for spouses, for prisoners, for children and families, this book is recommended for every library as well as for personal purchases and gifts." --Mary Blooming, in Catholic Library World


Personal letters by Blessed Oscar Romero reveal the heart and faith

of one of the outstanding Christian witnesses of our time.


Following a Vatican decree that recognized Oscar Romero of San Salvador as a martyr killed in “hatred of the faith,” the way was cleared for his beatification in May 2015. The story of his prophetic life and witness has long served as a beacon for the church’s “preferential option for the poor.” Now, a new collection of personal letters from his years as archbishop offers a fresh and revealing portrait of a shepherd who laid down his life for his flock.

Addressed to the scores of people who wrote him for advice or encouragement, these candid letters show his determination to uphold and strengthen the faith of his people, to “think and feel” with the church, and to bear witness to the God of Life. The volume includes a biographical essay by Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and conclusions by Msgr. Ricardo Urioste, former Vicar General for the Archdiocese of San Salvador.

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