Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings | Orbis Books
Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings Orbis Books


Pages: 264

Binding: Softcover

Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings

By: Robert Ellsberg, Editor
  • $24.00


Winner of the 2025 Illumination Award 

Subject: Spirituality - Award: Gold 

“The mystery of the poor is this: That they are Jesus, and what we do for them we do for him.”—Dorothy Day

“One of the greatest Christian spiritual masters of our age—of any age.”—James Martin, SJ
“With astonishing clarity and poignant honesty, Dorothy Day wrestles with deep spiritual questions in the midst of social injustice and life in community. In Robert Ellsberg’s expert hands this book offers the solace, sustenance, and the courage we need to do the same.”—Amanda Daloisio, co-managing editor, The Catholic Worker
“I hope everyone will study these writings, and like Dorothy, take the Gospel personally, make the Sermon on the Mount our manifesto, and live out the Gospel vision of universal love, compassion, and peace that the nonviolent Jesus calls us to.” –Rev. John Dear, author, The Gospel of Peace; director,

Dorothy Day (1897-1980), co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, has recently been proposed for canonization. Through her houses of hospitality, the practice of the works of mercy, and her prophetic work for peace and justice, she offered a radical witness to the gospel in action. But it was as much in her everyday life as in her public activities that she expressed her spirituality and found her path to holiness.

This anthology explores the key themes that underlay her spirituality, beginning with the call to see Christ in the poor. Day’s spirituality was deeply influenced by the “Little Way” of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, which showed the path to holiness in the daily exercise of patience, charity, and forgiveness. Dorothy extended this principle to the social dimension, the significance of the little protests we make or fail to make. She believed that each act of love, each witness for peace, increases the balance of love and peace in the world.
Robert Ellsberg, publisher of Orbis Books, worked with Dorothy Day for the last five years of her life, including two years as managing editor of The Catholic Worker. He has edited five previous volumes of her writings, including Selected Writings (Christopher Award Winner), her diaries (The Duty of Delight)and her selected letters (All the Way to Heaven).
Photo: Milwaukee Sentinel
Cover design: Michael Calvente

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