Revolutionary Saint
“A window into the soul of an ordinary man who was an extraordinary witness to the mercy of God in a merciless world.”—Daniel G. Groody, University of Notre Dame
“Offers a unique theological contribution to Romero studies, distilling several theological themes that emerge from Romero’s writings and homilies. . . . Revolutionary Saint offers new insight into the life and theological vision of Óscar Romero. Perhaps more importantly, it challenges and inspires readers to take up Romero’s legacy as their own by entering into solidarity with the revolutions of radical justice and hope that are occurring in our own time and place.”- Elizabeth O’Donnell Gandolfo, in Modern Believing
"In this extraordinary account of Romero's theological legacy, Michael Lee skillfully analyzes Romero's social, political and religious contexts to convey the enduring significance of the 'revolutionary saint's' remarkable journey and witness. He also offers timely insights regarding the importance of Romero for the political mission of the church as the 'microphone of God' in a world marred by structural sin." --Kristin E. Heyer, Boston College
"The power of this book, especially for students who are asking critical questions and for reading groups looking for deeper meaning, lies in Lee's slow, careful presentation, which allows the person of Romero in his context to take hold in one's imagination. Through his spiritual commitment to his people, Romero gradually learned in a new way the deep meanings of Christian faith and acted them out in our turbulent world. This book represents a new high standard for biographical theology." --Roger Haight, in America
"This book convincingly highlights the theological reasons why Romero fits the classic criteria of a Christian martyr. But he develops this in a contemporary context of a Christianity distorted by colonialism and imperialism. Examining this characteristic, he presents Romero as a 'witness of solidarity.'" --Catholic Herald
Many years after his death in 1980, the world is still absorbing the witness of Óscar Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador, martyred for his commitment to the poor and social justice. In this work, Michael E. Lee offers a profound reflection on the theological implications of Romero’s life and ministry.
Drawing on Romero’s biography as well as his homilies and other writings, Lee considers specifically how Romero’s witness challenges Christians in the U.S. to reimagine a robust Christian spirituality that is at once a mystical encounter with God and a prophetic engagement in the struggle for justice. In light of Romero’s beatification and pending canonization, Lee reflects on the implications of the archbishop's recognition as a martyr and on the model of holiness he offers for the wider church today.
Michael E. Lee is professor of theology at Fordham University. He is the editor of Ignacio Ellacuría: Essays on History, Liberation, and Salvation (Orbis 2013), and author of Bearing the Weight of Salvation: The Soteriology of Ignacio Ellacuría (Crossroad).