Pages: 192
Binding: Softcover
Readings from the Edges
By: Jean-Pierre Ruiz
Weaving together a range of "border" themes—migration, post-colonialism, living in exile, and the immigrant experience—these readings bring fresh new insights to scholars, clergy, and others with backgrounds in contemporary theology and biblical study.
- Good Fences and Good Neighbors: Biblical Scholars and Theologians
- The Bible and Liberation: Between the Preferential Option for the Poor and the Hermeneutical Privilege of the Poor
- Reading en voz alta: Latino/a Biblica Studies as Public Theology and the Case of U.S. Immigration Reform
- Abram and Sarai Cross the Border: A Reading of Genesis 12:10-20
- Symbolism on the Street: Reading Prophecy as Performance in Ezekiel 12:1-16
- An Exile's Baggage: A Reading of Ezekiel 20
- "They Could Not Speak the Language of Judah": Reading Nehemiah 13 between Brooklyn and Jerusalem
- The View from Northern Boulevard: Reading Matthew's Parable of the Day Laborers
- The Bible and the Exegesis of Empire: Reading Christopher Columbuss El libro de las profecías
Jean-Pierre Ruiz, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn, is an associate professor of theology and religious studies at St. John's University, Collegeville, MN. A past-president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS), he serves as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology and as an associate editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly.