Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective - 25th Anniversary Edition | Orbis Books
Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective - 25th Anniversary Edition


Pages: 224

Binding: Softcover

Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective - 25th Anniversary Edition

By: Kelly Brown Douglas
  • $19.50
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With a New Foreword  by Brandon Thomas Crowley


“If a diagnosis is indispensable for a cure then the Black church and the Black community, as well as the church in general and White society, should take seriously this searingly honest yet sympathetic exposé and then perhaps they may be set on the road to healing their ills.”—Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“This book is one of the most important works by an African American theologian in the past decade. . . . One wonders why we have waited so long for such a helpful treatise on this crucial subject.”—Peter J. Paris, Princeton Theological Seminary

“Kelly Brown Douglas’s book is both a challenge and gift.”—Emilie M. Townes

"This book probes the conundrum of black sexuality, especially as it relates to black theological silence about sexuality. Douglas aims to understand why sexuality in general has been a "taboo" subject for the black church and community, attempts to advance "womanist" discourse on black sexuality, and seeks to promote theological discourse that might nurture healthier attitudes and behaviors toward sexually related concerns, especially homophobia/ heterosexism. Douglas, an Episcopal minister and associate professor of theology at Howard University Divinity School, is also the author of The Black Christ (Orbis, 1994). Her discussion offers food for thought. While readers may not concur with some of her broad conclusions, they will likely appreciate the deepened discourse. Recommended for collections seeking to cover issues affecting the black church and community." - Library Journal, A Leroy Hommerding

“Published at the close of the twentieth century, Kelly Brown Douglas’ Sexuality and the Black Church was a groundbreaking text that reshaped the field of Black Church Studies and sparked two and a half decades of scholarly discourse at the intersection of race, gender, theology, and sexuality. . . . May the God of our mothers perpetually bless Kelly Brown Douglas for being a companion to our minds, a mentor to our souls, and a trusted theological interlocutor to our Black flesh and spirits.” –From the Foreword by Brandon Thomas Crowley

This book, first published in 1999, tackled the “taboo” subject of sexuality that had long been avoided by the Black church and community. Douglas argued that this view of Black sexuality was interfering with constructive responses to the AIDS crisis, fostering intolerance, and frustrating healthy male/female relationships. In her new introduction she reflects on how these ongoing challenges address the situation today, arguing that the Black church, “if it is to live into that legacy of the faith born from the hush harbors of slavery, must be in the forefront of partnering with God to create a world, a society, a community, a church where all of God’s people can be free to show forth the image of God that they are.”


The Very Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas is an Episcopal priest and womanist theologian. She is the author of numerous Orbis books, including The Black Christ, Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God;, and Resurrection Hope: A Future Where Black Lives Matter, winner of the Grawemeyer Award in Religion. 

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