Pages: 192
Binding: Softcover
Models of Contextual Theology
By: Stephen B. Bevans
"Surveys the variety of ways in which Christian life has been contextualized."--Mission Studies
Acclaimed as a classic examination of faith and culture Models of Contextual Theology uses models to elucidate the various meanings of “contextualization”. Now Bevans adds a sixth “counter-cultural” model, reflected to various degrees in the thinking of such disparate figures as Stanley Hauerwas, John Milbank, Lesslie Newbigin, “and (occasionally) Pope John Paul II.”
Stephen B. Bevans, SVD is Louis J. Luzbetak, SVD Professor of Mission and Culture, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago. He is author of Models of Contextual Theology; An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective; and most recently Community of Missionary Disciples: The Continuing Creation of the Church (all Orbis Books). He is co-author with Roger P. Schroeder of Prophetic Dialogue: Reflections on Christian Mission Today and also serves as editor of Mission Studies and contributing editor of International Bulletin of Missionary Research. In 2021 Bevans was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Missiology.