Journey to the Wild Heart: Four Invitations to Contemplative Living | Orbis Books
Journey to the Wild Heart: Four Invitations to Contemplative Living


Pages: 152

Binding: Softcover

Journey to the Wild Heart: Four Invitations to Contemplative Living

By: Amy Frykholm
  • $25.00


"A wild and wise book. From ancient mystics to modern poets and philosophers to recipe books, Frykholm weaves together a set of lush and juicy practices and invites her reader into deeper knowing. —Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, online Abbess of Abbey of the Arts and author of more than twenty books on contemplative practice and creative expression


"Trustworthy guidance on stepping into a contemplative way that meets the unpredictable dimensions of the everyday with poetry, wisdom, and boldness."—Paul Swanson, Contemplify


Amy Frykholm is your delightful and wise guide on a journey exploring contemplative living.—Dawn Araujo-Hawkins, religion journalist, vice president of Religion News Association


"Amy Frykholm’s book helps the reader re-frame, re-imagine, re-create the abundant life of love, grace and mercy. Practical counsel and clear guidance."—Mary C. Earle, author, The Desert Mothers


“You can trust Amy Frykholm as a modern-day amma who knows the terrain of the soul. Reading Journey to the Wild Heart is like going out to the desert for a word. It helps us slow down, let go, unknow in Silence, and embody Love.—Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, poet and award-winning translator of The Cloud of Unknowing, Practice of the Presence by Brother Lawrence, and Hildegard of Bingen


“With honesty, wisdom, and a true contemplative’s eye for beauty, Amy Frykholm leads us deep into the mystery of ourselves”.—Paula Huston, author, One Ordinary Sunday and The Hermits of Big Sur


“On the ever-changing path of life, Amy reminds us of the sacred rhythms that can ground us and invites us to remember that contemplative life is within reach.”—Rev. Cassidy Hall, MA, MDiv, MTS, author, Queering Contemplation


A treasure hunt through our own inner lives

 Offering four invitations to the spiritual journey—reflect, behold, bewilder, and discern—this book helps us access resources when we meet difficult situations or feel stuck in old habits of being and thinking that fail to lead us deeper into the presence of God and an understanding of ourselves. The spiritual exercises in this book form a series of contemplative practices guiding readers to break these habits and find renewal for the inner journey. 

A guide for set-apart times, retreat, or pilgrimage, The Four Invitations offer a lens for meeting a new interior or exterior landscapes with questions and invitations meant to help readers open up into new understandings in/for the spiritual life.

Written by the author of Julian of Norwich: A Spiritual Biography and Wild Woman: A Footnote, the Desert, and My Quest for an Elusive Saint, Amy Frykholm is beloved for combining the scholar’s acuity with a mystical heart, creating books that are their own spiritual journeys and interior explorations.


Amy Frykholm is an American writer, podcaster, and journalist whose four books of non-fiction have covered the territory of American religion from apocalyptists to saints. She is an award winning writer and contributing writer for the magazine The Christian Century, and she appears frequently on television and radio programs as an expert in American religion. She has a PhD in Literature from Duke University and lives in Colorado with her husband.

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