Pages: 500
Binding: Softcover
History of the World Christian Movement Volume II
By: Dale T. Irvin Scott W. Sunquist
Catholic Press Association Book Award: History (2nd Place)
"A significant contribution to the burgeoning field of World Christianity . . . . an outstanding book which is undoubtedly going to rank among the classics in the field and shape the Academic discussion in the years to come."--Exchange
The first volume of this ground-breaking history traced the development of Christianity from its origins up to the mid-fifteenth century, and won immediate acclaim as a landmark in the unfolding understanding of World Christianity. In place of conventional Eurocentric treatments, this work assigned a rightful place to the peoples of Africa, Asia, and the Near East in the unfolding of Christianity, a religion constantly evolving in dialogue with new cultures, new questions, and new historical influences. Volume II continues the story up to the dawn of the twentieth Century. Beginning with the missionary expansion of the fifteenth century, the story goes on to trace the fracturing of the Christian movement among Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant versions; the impact of modern colonialism and the emergence of a new global reality; the wars of religion, the impact of the Enlightenment, the rise of Christianity in North America, and the modern missionary movement. Throughout, the authors emphasize the expression of local forms of Christianity in diverse cultures, and the role of Christianity in helping to shape distinct national identities. They conclude with a forecast of a new century of globalization.
Dale T. Irvin is president of New York Theological Seminary and professor of World Christianity. He is the author of Christian Histories, Christian Traditioning (1998).
Scott W. Sunquist is the President and professor of missiology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton Massachusetts. Prior to his appointment at Gordon-Conwell, he was Dean of the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary (2012-2019) and before that he served for 17 years as Professor at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Previously Sunquist and his wife, Nancy, were missionaries with the Presbyterian Church, USA in the Republic of Singapore, where he was a lecturer in church history, ecumenics, and Asian Christianity at Trinity Theological College (1987-1995). During this time he also served as pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Singapore. Prior to this he was a campus staff member for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in both Virginia and Massachusetts. Sunquist has four children and twelve grandchildren.