Pages: 304
Binding: Softcover
Faith and Reckoning After Trump
By: Miguel A. De La Torre
“This book is a much-needed act of introspection that cuts across faiths, races, and traditions. After what Tink Tinker calls in these pages ‘a bizarre dance with fascist autocracy,’ it takes an honest look at religion’s role in Trumpism and looks forward without cheap answers."—Eric Martin, UCLA Center for the Study of Religion
“This riveting collection of essays edited by Miguel De La Torre is exactly what the world needs to overcome Trumpism, which has been spiritually, mentally, and physically destructive to humanity and the planet. We need a plan forward to rebuild and reconstruct and this book enlightens us, challenges us, and energetically paves the way. It is essential, uplifting, and prophetic.”—Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Professor of Theology, Earlham School of Religion
Religious scholars and activists assess the impact and lessons of the Trump era, and reflect on the challenges ahead.
The past four years, culminating in the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, brought to the surface deep divisions in our country and in faith communities. In this volume a diverse group of religious scholars and activists reflect on the meaning of the Trump era, the future of democracy, and the challenges facing the faith community. Topics include: “Fractured Truth in Post-Trump America”; the critical role of Black women; the tension between democracy and “whiteness”; the political theology of QAnon; environmental violence; racism and Black Lives Matter; ministry in a divided church and nation; Islamophobia and anti-Semitism; Catholic faith in the public square; and the future of Evangelical Christianity.
Miguel A. De La Torre is professor of social ethics and Latinx studies at Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO. An ordained Southern Baptist minister, he is the author of many Orbis books, including Reading the Bible from the Margins, Introducing Liberative Theologies, and Trails of Hope and Terror, and editor of Faith and Resistance in the Age of Trump.
Contributors: Joshua Bartholomew, Sr. Simone Campbell, Aaron Conley, Miguel H. Díaz, Marvin Ellison, John Fife, David Gushee, Amir Hussain, Juan Floyd-Thomas, Stacey Floyd-Thomas, Elaine Nogueira-Godsey, Trad Nogueira-Godsey, Jacqui Lewis, Tat-siong Benny Liew, Joerg Rieger, Rubén Rosario Rodríguez, Joshua Shanes, Susan Thistlethwaite, Tink Tinker, Jim Wallis, April Woodson, Aizaiah G. Yong, and Amos Yong.