Pages: 264
Binding: Softcover
Faith and Evolution
By: Roger Haight
“This book asks what science can teach Christian Theologians about our own self-understanding.” —From the Preface
"Faith and Evolution makes an original and rich contribution to the growing field of studies within the Christian tradition on the dynamic relationship among the natural sciences, theology, and religious faith. How does one live out one's religious faith, or search for it, in today's increasingly scientific and technological culture? What can science, especially scientific evolution, teach us about our own self-understanding? This book will enlighten the daily journey of anyone who is truly searching for a more fundamental meaning to life and a more profound understanding of it." --George V. Coyne, SJ, McDevitt Chair in Physics, Le Moyne College, and Director Emeritus, Vatican Observatory
"Faith and Evolution presents a great invitation for reflecting more deeply on a richer, more grace- and spirit-filled understanding of creation in the light of the mutual encounter between evolutionary science and contemporary Christian faith. It sings the praises of creation filled with divine presence and love; it describes the ambiguities of darkness and light at the core of human existence, and it celebrates a strong Christology in an evolutionary context that can nourish the deepest sources of our faith and spirituality. Readers will find much here to expand their minds and hearts." --Ursula King, University of Bristol, England
“Roger Haight has taken on a significant task by engaging modern evolutionary biology as a resource for reflection on important Christian theological issues . . . . well worth a careful and critical read.” --Narola Ao McFayden, Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology
"The book is extremely rich in content and surely gives a sophisticated voice to a quite-large present current of thought. Haight offers a systematic reconstruction that would be appealing to Catholic progressives. The thesis of the book is that since evolution is a proven fact, there can be no divine intervention from outside the natural order into nature. Catholic dogma has long ago been formulated precisely in terms of God entering the world from above. This includes God entering the world in the person of Jesus Christ. Hence, Haight sets out in this book to recast Catholic dogma about God, creation, sin, the Holy Spirit, and Christology, to harmonize them with evolution." -- Jerome Gellman, Reading Religion a Publication of the American Academy of Religion
Faith and Evolution offers a constructive way of understanding basic Christian doctrines, which were formulated in an ancient culture and language, while at the same time acknowledging scientific concepts that shape our current understanding of ourselves. Roger Haight skillfully lays the groundwork for a dialogue between an evolutionary world and core doctrines of Christian faith to overcome the present disconnect between our faith and our intellectual culture.
Roger Haight, a Jesuit priest and theologian, is Scholar in Residence at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. A former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, he is the author of numerous books, including Jesus Symbol of God, Dynamics of Theology, Christian Spirituality for Seekers, Spirituality Seeking Theology, and Spiritual and Religious: Explorations for Seekers (all Orbis).
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