Pages: 224
Binding: Softcover
Ecological Spirituality (Ecology & Justice Series)
By: Diarmuid O’Murchu
"This is a topic of utmost importance written by a leading expert on spirituality. O’Murchu illustrates with clarity and conviction how a vibrant ecospirituality is essential for creating new mutually enhancing human-Earth relations. May this be widely embraced!" –Mary Evelyn Tucker, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
Ecology & Justice Series
The popular author of Quantum Theology and Evolutionary Faith offers a new way of spiritual becoming for a world facing environmental crises.
The changes that we must make to address the complex ecological crises today are unlikely to happen if we do not experience a spiritual revolution. In Ecological Spirituality, Diarmuid O’Murchu invites readers to the revolutionary work of a life-promoting spirituality for our time. He explores how we must move beyond understandings of holiness that emphasize detachment from our world in favor of something beyond.
In his welcoming style O’Murchu reintroduces readers to the long history of humanity’s relationship with the creative Spirit of God, including and transcending religious traditions in a growing horizon of faith. As we rediscover the sacred here on Earth, we are called to connect spirit with Spirit, discerning and living an ecologically-focused spirituality for the well-being of creatures and ecosystems around the planet.
Diarmuid O'Murchu, a member of the Sacred Heart Missionary Order and a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin Ireland, is a social psychologist and author. Most of his working life has been in social ministry, including as a couple's counsellor, in bereavement and AIDS-HIV counselling, and with homeless people and refugees. He has led workshops throughout Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, India, and in several African countries. His best known books include Quantum Theology (The Crossroad Publishing Company), Paschal Paradox (Franciscan Media) and Evolutionary Faith (Orbis).
Cover design: Diane Mastrogiulio
Cover photo: Pixabay