Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins | Orbis Books
Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins vendor-unknown


Pages: 400

Binding: softcover

Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins

By: Miguel De La Torre
  • $35.00



"The perspective from the margins helps all of us understand who we are and where we are, and what is at the heart of our faith traditions. De La Torre opens the doors for a rich conversation that, even as this book appears in its second edition, is only just beginning."--Joerg Reiger, Wendland-Cook Professor of Constructive Theology, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University

"Will continue to help readers grasp complicated ethical theory through concrete examples and case studies. As the gap between the rich and poor has widened and international relationships become more complex, doing Christian ethics from the margins is even more urgent."--Kwok Pui-Lan, author of Postcolonial Imagination and Feminist Theology

Miguel De La Torre opens up Christian ethics to the rich diversity found among those who are often excluded from academic and Eurocentric ethical considerations. This book seeks to help students realize that because the gospel message itself was proclaimed to the marginalized peoples of Judea, the people who occupy the same disenfranchised spaces in our contemporary cultures are the ones who hold the interpretive key to understanding that gospel message. The binding effects of power and privilege (institutional or not) can be overcome by a justice-based ethics that avails itself of the perspectives and experiences of those on the margins.

Miguel A. De La Torre is a professor of social ethics and Latina/o studies at the Iliff Scholl of Theology in Denver. In 2012 he served as president of the Society of Christian Ethics. He is the author of many books, including Reading the Bible from the Margins, Introducing Latino/a Theology, Trails of Hope and Terror, and Latina/o Social Ethics.

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