Pages: 256
Binding: Softcover
Building Bridges in Sarajevo
By: Kristin E. Heyer
"For the past two decades, Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church has hosted groundbreaking conversations among moral theologians around the globe. This volume showcases both the fruitfulness and the urgency of crossing borders to reflect on questions of social justice and human flourishing." --Cathleen Kaveny, author, Ethics at the Edges of Law: Christian Moralists and American Legal Thought
"This important book contains prophetic calls to resist the politics of fear and to build instead networks of support through theological dialogue and shared praxis. In these pages, we hear from theologians, pastors, and scholar-activists from around the globe who draw from their own particular experiences and locations and witness to the life-giving work of the Holy Spirit calling us to speak truthfully, act justly, and think creatively. This book will give the reader hope." --Emily Reimer-Barry, author, Catholic Theology of Marriage in an Era of HIV and AIDS: Marriage for Life
"Today, in a divided world, in which the pillars that support the bridges among peoples, cultures, and religions are called into question, this book is a blessing. Facing the tragic banality of contemporary political leadership, its pages witness a very different form of conferencing, with a great deal of networking, a great number of younger people, and great diversity as well as major speakers. This book confirms the importance of the synodal approach for discerning the signs of the times and facing the challenges that they raise." --Fr. Antonio Spadaro, SJ, editor in chief of La Civiltà Cattolica
The Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (CTEWC) conference held in Sarajevo in July 2018 focused on identifying global challenges, particularly climate and political crises, and summoned theological ethicists around the world to respond to those challenges in effective ways.
Building Bridges in Sarajevo brings together the plenary addresses from the conference and includes those by Charles Curran, Emmanuel Katongole, Linda Hogan, Antonio Autiero, and Joshua McElwee, among others.
Kristin E. Heyer is professor of theological ethics at Boston College and a co-chair of CTEWC.
James F. Keenan, SJ, is the Canisius Professor and director of the Jesuit Institute at Boston College, and the founder of CTEWC.
Andrea Vicini, SJ, is associate professor of moral theology at the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College.