Pages: 240
Binding: Softcover
Birth of a Dancing Star
By: Ilia Delio
"Thank God there is nothing linear in the lifeline of this book. Delio tells her rising, spiraling story with such transparent joy that she seizes every change of plan as a new dance move from God. Only out of chaos can a star be born, she says, welcoming us to take our own places in the rising, spiraling story of the universe." --Barbara Brown Taylor, author, The Luminous Web
"A fascinating account of Ilia Delio's journey from traditional Catholic beliefs and practices to a Teilhardian worldview that joins religion and science." --Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-author, Thomas Berry: A Biography
Franciscan Sister Ilia Delio, a theologian, author of several ground-breaking books, and a speaker in wide demand, has become one of the most exciting thinkers on the frontiers of dialogue between religion and science. This is her memoir, recounting a journey that took her from scientist to theologian, and from traditional cloistered nun to a leading proponent of evolution and cyborg life. Along the way she earned a doctorate in pharmacology, then entered a traditional Carmelite cloister, moved on to a German Franciscan community, and finally to a post-Vatican II experiment in religious life.
Ilia Delio, OSF, a Franciscan Sister of Washington, DC, is Josephine C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology at Villanova University and founder of the Center for Christogenesis. Her many books include Christ in Evolution, The Emergent Christ, The Unbearable Wholeness of Being, and Birth of a Dancing Star: My Journey from Cradle Catholic to Cyborg Christian. She is editor of the Orbis Books series Catholicity in an Emerging Universe.

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