Series Titles
A Theology of Southeast Asia
Abraham Joshua Heschel
African Christian Leadership
Albert Schweitzer
Alfred Delp, SJ
American Catholicism in the 21st Century
An Ecological Theology of Liberation
An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective
An Unexpected Wilderness
And God Created Wholeness
Anthony de Mello
Bede Griffiths
Breaking through the Boundaries
Breathed into Wholeness
Brother Roger of Taize
Building Bridges in Sarajevo
Cardinal Walter Kasper
Carlo Carretto
Caryll Houselander
Catherine De Hueck Doherty
Catholic Identity and the Laity
Catholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future
Catholicity and Emerging Personhood
Changing Frontiers of Mission
Charles de Foucauld
Christian Ministry in the Divine Milieu
Christian Mission, Contextual Theology, Prophetic Dialogue
Christian Mission: A Case Study Approach
Christianity (Opera Omnia III.1)
Christianity (Opera Omnia III.2)
Christianity and Science
Christianity and the Political Order
Church as Dynamic Life-System
Church: Community for the Kingdom
Clarence Jordan
Classic Texts in Mission and World Christianity
Comprehending Mission
Constants in Context
Constructing Local Theologies - Revised
Contemporary Mission Theology
Creation in Crisis
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor
Cultures and Religions in Dialogue (Opera Omnia VI.1)
Cultures and Religions in Dialogue (Opera Omnia VI.2)
Daniel Berrigan
David Steindl-Rast
Deep Incarnation
Defending Mother Earth
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dom Helder Camara
Dorothee Soelle
Earth Community, Earth Ethics
Earth Ethics
Eberhard Arnold
Ecclesiology for a Global Church
Edith Stein
Eschatology and Hope
Etty Hillesum
Evelyn Underhill
Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics
Flannery O'Connor
Frank Sheed and Maisie Ward
G. K. Chesterton
Galilean Journey
Globalization, Spirituality, and Justice
Go Forth
God Has Begun a Great Work in Us
Gospel Bearers, Gender Barriers
Gustavo Gutierrez: Spiritual Writings
Handing On the Faith
Held in the Light
Henri Nouwen
Henry David Thoreau
Hidden Heart of the Cosmos
Hinduism (Opera Omnia IV.1)
Hinduism (Opera Omnia IV.2)
Hinduism and Christianity (Opera Omnia, VII)
Howard Thurman
Inspired Sustainability
Israel and the Nations
Jacques Ellul
James Martin
Jean Vanier
Joan Chittister
John Henry Newman
John Main
John Muir
Jon Sobrino
Joyce Rupp
Just Sustainability
Just Water
Karl Rahner
Landmark Essays in Mission and World Christianity
Latin American Theology
Leo Tolstoy: Spiritual Writings
Liturgy + Power
Living Cosmology
Living with(out) Borders
Loving Water across Religions
Making All Things New
Mangoes or Bananas?
Meeting Mystery
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
Miracles, Missions & American Pentecostalism
Mission and Culture
Mission in Acts
Mission in the New Testament
Mission Legacies
Missions and Money
Modern Spiritual Masters
Mohandas Gandhi
Moral Struggle and the Prophets
Mother Maria Skobtsova
Mother Teresa
Mystery and Hermeneutics (Opera Omnia IX.1)
Mysticism & Spirituality (Opera Omnia I.1)
Mysticism & Spirituality (Opera Omnia I.2)
No Other Name?
On Care for Our Common Home, Laudato Si'
Orders and Ministry
Oscar Romero
Pedro Arrupe
Phyllis Tickle
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pope John XXIII
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Reconstructing Christianity in China
Religion and Faith in Africa
Religion and Religions (Opera Omnia II)
Richard Rohr
Robert McAfee Brown
Romano Guardini
Rufus Jones
Ruth Burrows
Sadhu Sundar Singh
Sent Forth
Simone Weil - Essential Writings
Spirit of Fire
Spirituality and Mysticism
St. Therese of Lisieux
Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics
Swami Abhishiktananda
Swami Vivekananda
The Bible and Catholic Theological Ethics
The Catholic Ethicist in the Local Church
The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth
The Christian Moral Life
The Church and Cultures
The Dalai Lama
The Evangelization of Slaves and Catholic Origins in Eastern Africa
The Gospel Among the Nations
The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos
The Image of the Unseen God
The Liminal Papacy of Pope Francis
The Missionary Movement in American Catholic History
The Source of All Love
The Tao of Liberation
The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia
Thich Nhat Hanh
Thomas Berry
Thomas Merton
Traditional Ritual as Christian Worship
Transforming Mission
Translating the Message - Revised Edition
Trinitarian and Cosmotheandric Vision (Opera Omnia Vol. VIII)
Vincent van Gogh
Virgilio Elizondo
Walter Rauschenbusch
Walter Rauschenbusch
William Stringfellow
Women Healing Earth
Women In Mission
Women Leaders in the Student Christian Movement
Worldviews and Ecology
Yves Congar
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