Authentic Christian Freedom: Deconstructing the American Gospel of Liberty | Orbis Books
Authentic Christian Freedom: Deconstructing the American Gospel of Liberty


Pages: 160

Binding: Softcover

Authentic Christian Freedom: Deconstructing the American Gospel of Liberty

By: Elizabeth Hinson_Hasty
  • $21.00
  • Save $7


 What is freedom? Drawing from feminist, womanist, and postcolonial thought, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty offers an authentic Christian vision of freedom rooted in interdependence and living for the sake of others. Deconstructing competing notions of "freedom from," "freedom to," and "freedom for," Hinson-Hasty attends to intersections of theologies of oppression and today's culture wars. She issues an urgent call for religious leaders to challenge our cultural obsession with separatism by teaching a liberating, relational counter-narrative that fosters beloved communities of justice and belonging. From reframing the Exodus story to recasting freedom's meaning, this crucial work charts a path forward toward a more just, loving, and connected understanding of what it truly means to be free.

Elizabeth L. Hinson-Hasty is professor of theology and ethics, Union Presbyterian Seminary. She frequently preaches and speaks on matters of faith and public life to congregations, non-profits, colleges, universities and seminaries. She is currently a member at large of the PC(USA) Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment. Her scholarship and teaching has received several awards and honors, including a Catholic Press Association 2018 first place award for her previous book with Orbis, The Problem of Wealth.

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