Pages: 224
Binding: softcover
Come, Holy Spirit
By: Leonardo Boff
"The author never loses track of the main concept of the book--the relevance of the Holy Spirit moving through history, and most importantly, the need for us all to stop and think about, feel and then live by the Holy Spirit today. Although the book is a scholarly and learned expression of Christian faith, it is easy to read and understand and is written in a manner that makes it accessible to anyone. It is highly recommended." --Grace & Truth
"A helpful and accessible book for introducing contemporary believers to a theology and spirituality centered upon the Holy Spirit. Given its reminders of all that the Spirit means to the life of human beings and their world, this is worthwhile in itself." --Horizons
"This book was fun to read and easy to understand....It is written in a manner so that anyone can read it -- from the lay person to the philosopher or clergy member. It was an enjoyable read about the debates, history and application of the Holy Spirit to extensive areas in our current point in time." --Catholic Books Review
The presence of the Holy Spirit runs throughout the Scriptures, from the story of Creation, through the inspiration of the prophets, the incarnation and mission of Jesus, and the birth of the church at Pentecost. But as Leonardo Boff shows, the Spirit is also interwoven in the mysterious origins of the universe. And that Spirit continues to be revealed through the history of humanity—in the spirit of renewal, change, and prophecy, in the history of the church, and in the struggles of our own time.
For Boff, this theme takes on special urgency in a time of ecological peril, religious conflict, and oppression of the poor. As Boff writes, when the Spirit comes, “the corpses are filled with life and the wilderness becomes a garden. the poor are granted justice, the sick are restored to health, and we who are all sinners receive forgiveness and grace. This is our faith, and more than that, it is our undying hope.”
Leonardo Boff, who lives in Brazil, is the author of over sixty books, including Francis of Rome & Francis of Assisi, Christianity in a Nutshell, Jesus Christ Liberator, and Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. In 2001 he received the prestigious Right Livelihood Award.