Pages: 232
Binding: Softcover
The One Body of Christ in a Quantum Age
By: Bernard Tickerhoof
“Bernard Tickerhoof provides a remarkable synthesis that permits me (and many like me) to grasp the singular importance of seeking a better grasp of modern physics. . . . While lack of sufficient expertise in these advanced fields has often created a barrier to understanding, Tickerhoof gives us a ‘map’ by which to travel into this difficult terrain. He guides us in a landscape—dare I say a ‘field’—in which the depths of human, cosmic, and divine realities appear in a new light . . . that does not blind but leads us forward.” –Margaret Carney, OSF, STD, president emeritus, St. Bonaventure University
“The One Body of Christ in a Quantum Age is deeply inspiring and inculcates a sense of wonder toward the Universe and its Creator. . . . I came away . . . with a deepened faith in Jesus and my connection, through him, with my brothers and sisters in his mystical body, and a renewed awe for the mysteries of quantum physics.” —R. Dean Astumian, OFS, professor, physics and astronomy, University of Maine
“Bernie Tickerhoof has spent a lifetime building bridges between divergent shores. Here, he probes the edges of science and spirituality, with courage and respect for both. This is a book for believers and seekers, scientists and skeptics. The author acknowledges that it is ‘a little complicated and probably dangerous,’ but it is well worth the effort.” —Peter Lyons, TOR, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA
“A fascinating exploration of the understanding and interplay of quantum theory, theology, and Christian spirituality. Focusing on the nexus of physical reality and openness to the Divine from a holistic perspective, it is a challenging and thought-provoking read.” —Most Reverend Michael Higgins, TOR, Vicar Provincial of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
“With a writer’s clarity and a scientist’s rigor, Fr. Tickerhoof introduces the theologically curious to quantum physics and the scientifically astute to a more expansive understanding of the ‘one Body of Christ.’ His book is a remarkable and rewarding integration of contemporary thought about quantum physics, consciousness, and Christian spirituality.” —Bonnie Thurston, a founding member, International Thomas Merton Society
Writing from a font of experience as a Franciscan friar and spiritual teacher, Father Bernie Tickerhoof invites readers to enrich their spiritual journey as they learn from the physical sciences. The One Body of Christ in a Quantum Age explores the many resonances between quantum theory, consciousness studies, and relational and holistic spirituality through spiritual practices like prayer, relationship-building, service, and creativity.
Introducing and engaging challenging topics with compassionate vision, Tickerhoof fosters a conversation among spiritual and scientific pilgrims as we find ourselves in the beginning of a new era of life on and with our planet. Perfect for individual study or small-group discussions, The One Body of Christ in a Quantum Age will reframe your understanding of spirituality, offering hope and vision for anyone seeking greater authenticity, connection, and purpose in their spiritual life.
Fr. Bernard Tickerhoof, TOR, is an ordained friar of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis. He has been involved in spiritual ministry and retreat work for over forty years, developing a variety of programs focused on contemporary spirituality, Franciscan spiritual life, and environmental issues. He is a member of Franciscan Pathways and has served as a spiritual formator for his province in both initial and ongoing formation.
Cover design: Ponie Sheehan