Caminemos Con Jesus - 30th Anniversary Edition | Orbis Books
Caminemos Con Jesus - 30th Anniversary Edition


Pages: 280

Binding: Softcover

Caminemos Con Jesus - 30th Anniversary Edition

By: Roberto S. Goizueta
  • $42.00


"Keenly critical and hopeful'--Modern Theology

“A brilliant and compelling articulation of a Hispanic/Latino theology, Goizueta claims as his starting point the lived reality of a people. He validates the popular Catholicism of U.S. Hispanics as a privileged place of God’s revelation, and traces out in practical ways the power of a theology of ‘accompañamiento’ which is lived within the Hispanic community.”—Ana María Pineda, RSM, Catholic Theological Union at Chicago


“Roberto Goizueta gifted the theological world with an immediate classic that decades later continues to speak insightfully and prophetically about what it means to journey as American Catholics through Hispanic eyes. No study of theology will be complete without seriously engaging Caminemos con Jesús.”—Hosffman Ospino, Boston College; past president, Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States.

“Thirty years on, Caminemos Con Jesús remains ‘a pearl of great price’ (Matt 13:46).  The wisdom found in these pages takes on greater luminosity through a new introduction that deepens three of the book’s grounding themes. These pages are alert not only to the sharp divisions of this historical moment but also to the journey of the spirit within, urging a new reverence for the common good that is all of us. Like all classic works, this prescient book stretches imaginations with every new reading. Theologically erudite, spiritually deepening.”--Nancy Pineda-Madrid, president, Catholic Theological Society of America

“Thirty years after its initial publication, Caminemos con Jesús is even more relevant in its challenge to the modern and postmodern assumptions about what it means to be human, to be rational, and to be a people of faith.” —Leo Guardado, Fordham University

While the growth in both numbers and influence of Hispanics in North American Catholicism and Protestantism has been commented on widely, up until now there has been no systematic attempt to define a Hispanic theology. Roberto Goizueta, a Cuban-American theologian, aware that "Hispanic" and "Latino" can be terms imposed artificially on diverse peoples, finds a common link in the Spanish language and in a shared culture. Central to this culture is the experience of exile, of being a people at the margins of a society, who must find and make their way together. Central also is faith, and its grounding in this experience of being in exile. In delineating the very particular nature and worldview of Hispanic/Latino theology, Caminemos con Jesus challenges both traditional Euro-American theologies and modern Western epistemological assumptions. It examines the implications of this theological method for the Church and the academy, as well as for the future of the Latino community and North American society. Caminemos con Jesus provides lessons in discipleship for non-Hispanics and Hispanics alike, for students of contemporary theology, and all those engaged in pastoral and church-based work.


Roberto S. Goizueta, a Cuban-American theologian, is Professor Emeritus in Theology from Boston College. A past president of both the Catholic Theological Society of American and the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States, he is also the author of Christ Our Companion.

Cover design: Michael Calvente

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