Vesper Time: The Spiritual Practice of Growing Older | Orbis Books
Vesper Time - Orbis Books


Pages: 176

Binding: 176

Vesper Time: The Spiritual Practice of Growing Older

By: Frank J. Cunningham
  • $23.00



"What good work Frank Cunningham has done.... His book is an invitation to more fully engage this stage of our journey and be enriched by it." --Richard Rohr, Center for Action and Contemplation, and author, Near Occasions of Grace

"Anyone who has gazed at the rising moon or the emerging stars at twilight knows the beauty of this hour of day. Frank Cunningham reminds us that the 'vesper time' of life is a rich seedbed for spiritual growth." --Judith Valente, PBS-TV, and author, Atchison Blue: A Search for Silence, a Spiritual Home, and a Living Faith

"A thoughtful little book that reflects on the issues and graces that influence the spiritual life as one grows older.... [Cunningham's] words are sensitive, validating, and encouraging as he describes the challenges and blessings encountered at each stage. This is not a work of psychology or philosophy but a loving affirmation of life nearing its completion.... Recommended for parish libraries and personal enrichment." --John Leonard Berg, in Catholic Library World

"A book for all seasons." -- Parker J. Palmer

From a writer, editor, and publisher in his eighth decade, Vesper Time addresses the yearning among elders for continued growth, expansiveness of heart, improvement of mind, and a meaningful understanding of our lives in our later years. As with Christianity’s age-old practice of Vespers, an hour of prayer observed at the lighting of the lamps just before darkness descends, Frank Cunningham views this time as one when the colors begin to deepen and our experience of growing older becomes our spiritual practice.

With both wisdom and humor, Cunningham explores the five facets of this integral spirituality—memory, intimacy, diminishment, gratitude, and acceptance. With a new Introduction and Discussion/Reflection Guide, Vesper Time provides expert guidance and gentle encouragement for those on this stage of their journey of life.

Frank J. Cunningham, former editor and publisher of Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN, is one of the most successful religion publishers of his generation.  Since his retirement Frank has been discovering and enjoying, as well as sharing with others in talks and workshops, the spiritual practice of aging. He can be reached through

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