Pages: 692
Binding: hardcover
History of Vatican II Volume 4
By: Giuseppe Alberigo Joseph A. Komonchak
"An important exploration of how all of Christianity was dramatically altered in the twentieth century by events [at the council]."--Jeffrey Gros, in The Christian Century
This fourth volume of the acclaimed series reconstructs the work of the Council during the third period and intersession (September 1964-September 1965) which was to produce two of the most significant texts of Vatican II: the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, and the Decree on Ecumenism.
I. Toward an Ecclesiology of Communion
II. Two Sensitive Issues: Religious Freedom and the Jews
III. The Doctrinal and the Pastoral: The Text on Divine Revelation
IV. The Council Discovers the Laity
V. The Church in the World
VI. The "Black Week" of Vatican II (November 14-21, 1964)
VII. The Intersession: Preparing the Conclusion of the Council
VIII. Major Results, Shadows of Uncertainty
Name and Theme Indexes
Giuseppe Alberigo (1926-2007) taught church history and served as director of the Institute for Religious Studies in Bologna, Italy.
Joseph A. Komonchak holds the John C. and Gertrude P. Hubbard Chair in Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. He is renowned for his work in ecclesiology, twentieth century theology, and the history and theology of Vatican II.