Pages: 160
Binding: Softcover
By: Terrence W. Tilley
"This is a very practical and accessible introduction... a worthy successor to Paul Tillichs popular and well-worn text The Dynamics of Faith (1957)."--Dermot A. Lane, Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin, Ireland
"I recommend this readable book for all who are interested in sorting out what is genuine, good and truthful in their own inevitable faith commitments."--John F. Haught, Georgetown University
"Hands-on and accessible . . . Tilley brings refreshing lucidity to perhaps the most complicated issue of our day--faith.""--Serena Jones, President, Union Theological Seminary
"Destined to become standard college reading."--Michael H. Barnes, University of Dayton
"An excellent point of entry into the complex question of faith in a religiously plural world."--Anne M. Clifford, Iowa State University
This introduction to religion and theology addresses the core questions about what faith is and what it means in the 21st century. As Professor Tilley writes, "This book is an exercise in learning how to see our faiths clearly so we can figure out how we can live well together in a world in which faith unites and divides us."
Terrence W. Tilley is the Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., Professor of Catholic Theology and chair of the Department of Theology at Fordham University. A former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, he is the author of several books, including History, Theology, & Faith, and The Disciples' Jesus.