Earth Community, Earth Ethics | Orbis Books
Earth Community, Earth Ethics - Orbis Books


Pages: 376

Binding: Softcover

Earth Community, Earth Ethics

By: Larry L. Rasmussen
  • $30.00

Winner of the Louisville Grawemeyer Award

Earth Community, Earth Ethics provides a comprehensive approach to issues of social cohesion and ecological concern, synthesizing insights from religion, ethics, and environmental sciences in a single vision for creating a sustainable community of the Earth. With a primary focus on envioenmtnal ethics, this book brings together insights from diverse sources on the state of the environment--and on what can be done, now, to halt the degradation of life.

For all those concerned with the future of the earth, Earth Community, Earth Ethics offers a deeply nuanced and brilliantly illuminating vision of where we are now, and where we must go from here.

Larry L. Rasmussen was Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary, New York, from 1986-2004. He has also taught at Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota and has been visiting professor at the Lutheran Theological Seminary. His books inlcude Earth-honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key (Oxford U. Press, 2012) and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Reality and Resistance (Westminster John Knox, 2005).

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