What Is the Mission of the Church? | Orbis Books
What Is the Mission of the Church? - Orbis Books


Pages: 192

Binding: softcover

What Is the Mission of the Church?

By: Roger P. Schroeder
  • $24.00


“Schroeder’s canvas is huge, but his palette is rich, his broad strokes bold, and his close work clearly detailed. The overall result is more than two dimensional: effective and attractive, a guide to the history of Christian mission and a careful reading of mission theology and practice. This is a very worthy introductory text."Anthony J. Gittins, CSSp, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago

"Presents in lucid language all that a Catholic should know about the mission of the Church. No one interested in missionary praxis and mission theology can afford to ignore this valuable volume abounding in precious insights." --Mission Today

"The topic is huge and complicated, but Schroeder summarizes it in a very simple and profound way. One of the few books appropriate for non-specialists, it presents the current situation of mission in a world which is in constant evolution." --Grace & Truth

"Humility, mutuality, justice, solidarity, and prophetic dialogue are key Gospel principles Roger Schroeder has and continues to live in his ministry of mission. The reader will find these principles driving this book. It is a 'must read.'" --Dr. Mike Gable, Director, Mission Office, Archdiocese of Cincinnati

In this essential guide to the “who, what, where, and why” of mission and its meaning for the local and universal Church, Roger Schroeder offers an up-to-date and inspiring overview of mission. In clear, accessible language, he distills the essentials of Scripture, the lessons of history, and church teaching since Vatican II. This edition has been thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect the mission vision of Pope Francis.

Roger P. Schroeder, SVD is professor of intercultural studies and ministry, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago. His many books include What Is the Mission of the Church?; Christian Mission in Global Perspective (names one of Ten Outstanding Books in Mission Studies by the Overseas Ministry Study Center of Princeton Theological Seminary) and , with Maria Cimperman, Engaging Our Diversity: Interculturality and Consecrated Life Today  (all Orbis Books).  An associate editor of the International Bulletin of Mission Research he has also served as president of the American Society of Missiology, the Association of Professors of Mission, and the Midwest Fellowship of Professors of Mission. He is currently serving as Coordinator of Anthropos Institute, an international network of specialists in the social and religious sciences.

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