Click Here to view our latest catalog - Fall 2024
Jesus Symbol of God
Introducing Christianity
Holy Trinity, Perfect Community
Following in the Footsteps of Christ
Do You Love Me?
Catholic Engagement with World Religions
Christian Spirituality
Christian Peace and Nonviolence
Christ the Liberator
Christ All Merciful
Changing Frontiers of Mission
Awakenings: Prophetic Reflections
An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective
American Indian Liberation
A Poor and Merciful Church
Constants in Context
A History of Christianity in Asia I
Deep Inculturation: Global Voices on Christian Faith and Indigenous Genius
Enacting Integral Human Development
The New Testament
The Christian Moral Life
That They May Be One
Practical Theology
Passion of Christ, Passion of the World
On Naming the Present
Mission in Today's World
Matthew and the Margins
Landmark Essays in Mission and World Christianity
Interfaith Dialogue
Hospitality and the Other
Holy Eros
Gandhi and Jesus
Faces of Jesus in Africa
Easter People
Crossing Cultural Frontiers
Constructing Local Theologies - Revised