Pages: 232
Binding: softcover
The Compassion Connection
By: Catherine T. Nerney
“In a world where we are quick to define ‘otherness,’ Nerney shows us the road to ‘oneness.’ She helps us see ways that the invisible heart of God is being made more visible to the world.” —Daniel Groody, CSC, University of Notre Dame
"Catherine Nerney gracefully describes the compassionate, merciful face of God in the world and explains how we can join in that loving gaze. She challenges us to a contemplative view of others and of ourselves that will allow us to share in the compassion connection our world so dearly needs." —Phyllis Zagano, author, Mysticism and the Spiritual Quest
"This inspiring book -- through Scripture and personal experience -- urges us to be aware of the 'God-sightings' in our everyday lives and to open ourselves to the transforming power of the God of compassion for our healing and the healing of our 'aching world.'" —Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, President, RENEW International
Catherine T. Nerney, a Sister of St. Joseph, gently guides the reader on a narrative journey through and toward compassion for our fellow human beings, emphasizing our connectedness rather than our perceived differences. This small but powerful volume invites the local and universal Church to tear down walls of fear, certainty, and privilege, and to surrender to God’s compassionate heart as it beats in our broken world.
Intended as a connected series of reflective writings that impels action, this is a valuable resource for social activists, parish groups, and spiritual seekers looking for new ways to appreciate and deepen their faith.
Catherine T. Nerney, SSJ is associate professor of religious studies at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, PA. She has directed the college’s Institute for Forgiveness and Reconciliation since its inception in 2009. The author of numerous books, she writes from years of academic teaching, workshops, and writings on the worlds of social reconciliation and interfaith dialogue.