Pages: 160
Binding: Softcover
Deep Incarnation
By: Denis Edwards
Catholic Press Association Award Winner
"Beautifully written. . . . The hoped for joy in the resurrection for all creatures threads its way through this book as a fitting last testimony of this pioneering thinker." --Celia Deane-Drummond, Oxford University
"Hope blooms again from the heart of the Catholic tradition as Denis Edwards explores the redemptive meaning of deep incarnation. There is consolation here for a suffering biosphere in his profound theology of the transfiguring union of Christ with all matter and all life, the yet unimaginable liberation of all creatures and all the cosmos, transformed by God's all-embracing love." --Erin Lothes Biviano, author, Inspired Sustainability: Planting Seeds for Action
Based on the Duffy Lectures, an annual lecture series at Boston College, this book explores the concept of "Deep Incarnation," a way of making connections between incarnation and the whole of creation. Author Denis Edwards, who was an international authority on the dialogue between science and faith, draws upon the work of Niels Gregersen, Elizabeth Johnson, and others to address this question: "What relationship is there between the wider natural world -- the world of galaxies and stars, mountains and seas, bacteria, plants and animals -- and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ?"
Denis Edwards, who died in 2019, was an Australian priest and theologian. At the time of his death he was a professorial fellow in theology at Australian Catholic University, Adelaide Campus. He was the author of many books on the meaning of Christian faith in an ecological age. These included Ecology at the Heart of Faith, Breath of Life: A Theology of the Creator Spirit, Christian Understandings of Creation: The Historical Trajectory, and Partaking of God: Trinity, Evolution, and Ecology.