Pages: 272
Binding: softcover
Religious Life in the 21st Century
By: Diarmuid O'Murchu
"A powerful resource for those founding/refounding spiritual communities today. Its style and language exude the creative energy which it describes." --Dr. Bernadette Flanagan, All Hallows College (Dublin City University)
"An important book. . . . O'Murchu clearly lays out the path consecrated life has traveled and describes new fields emerging through shifting paradigms. Following Christ in an unfinished universe can be dark and daunting but O'Murchu sees hope and promise up ahead for those who can surrender themselves into the chaos of God's uncontrollable love." --Ilia Delio, OSF, author, Making All Things New: Catholicity, Cosmology, and Consciousness
"Diarmuid O'Murchu's finest book. Historically and theologically he extends and furthers the refounding insight which demands that we relive the paschal mystery of death and resurrection." --Gerald A. Arbuckle, SM, author, The Francis Factor and the People of God
This seminal work, which surveys the historical rise and fall of religious orders and congregations, reveals the fundamental dispositions that these institutions need to integrate into a new spirituality and sense of mission. These include: being faithful to the new Reign of God as a companionship of empowerment; internalizing a cyclic sense of the paschal mystery in history; embracing God's creation as our primary eschatological space; learning from the great Foundresses, including Mary Josephine Rogers; and reading the signs of the times of the 21st century. Each chapter includes a helpful study guide for group study and individual reflection.
Diarmuid O’Murchu is the author of pioneering books on spirituality and evolution that include Quantum Theology, Evolutionary Faith, Ancestral Grace, Adult Faith, In the Beginning Was the Spirit, God in the Midst of Change, and Inclusivity.