Orbis Books | Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

#1 There is no Checkout button on my cart. This is a browser compatibility issue. See #2 for update and re-set options, or try using another browser. This is how the Cart should look when you are ready to check out.


#2 Next Page Arrow Doesn't Work: There may be a compatibility issue with your browser. To work around this, reset the number of items displayed by clicking on the down arrow in the second gray tab under Search Options and select the maximum (96 items).


OR to try the following to reset your browser:

For Internet Explorer (IE) 11

  1. Turn on Compatibility Mode - Next to the address bar, click on the unhighlighted Compatibility View icon.
  2. Try your search again 

For Other Browsers

  1. To make sure you are using the latest version of your browser go to https://updatemybrowser.org. This website will let you know if your browser version is up-to-date, and will provide you with a download link for updating.
  2. Check to see if JavaScript is enabled in your web browser by going to http://www.enable-javascript.com. If JavaScript is NOT enabled, then please follow the instructions on the website to enable JavaScript.
#3 Catalog PDF is not current. Try clearing history from your browser, then click the link again. You can also contact us for a FREE printed catalog by emailing orbisbooks@maryknoll.org.