Pages: 160
Binding: Softcover
A Sacred Voice Is Calling
By: John Neafsey
What does it mean to find and follow our personal calling? How do we distinguish between the "still, small voice" of our authentic vocation and all of the other competing counterfeit voices in ourselves and in our culture? Specifically, how do we balance the inward listening to our hearts and the need to listen with our hearts to the realities and needs of our world?
Drawing widely on the wisdom of saints, sages, and the traditions of spiritual direction, Neafsey describes a path to living in the place, as Frederick Buechner has put it, "where our deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger meet."
John Neafsey is a clinical psychologist in private practice and a member of the staff at the Heartland Alliance Marjorie Kovler Center, a treatment program for survivors of torture in Chicago. He is a member of the Collegeville Institute Seminar on Vocation across the Lifespan. He is the author of Crucified People: The Suffering of the Tortured in Today's World.