Pages: 320
Binding: hardcover
Cultures and Religions in Dialogue (Opera Omnia VI.1)
By: Raimon Panikkar
This new offering in the comprehensive collection of Panikkars work brings together in the first of two volumes the English-language version of Panikkars important work on Cultures and Religions in Dialogue. As always, Panikkar seeks to bring together East and West without compromising the integrity of the traditions of each.
Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010) made pioneering contributions in the areas of interreligious dialogue, comparative theology, and the phenomenology of religion, while bridging different religions and cultures (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism), and effected insightful conversation between the so-called sacred and secular worlds. These diverse contributions were tied together in a unifying vision he called his cosmotheandric intuition, the deep interconnection of the Divine, the Cosmic, and the Human.