Christianity (Opera Omnia III.2) | Orbis Books
Christianity (Opera Omnia III.2) - Orbis Books


Pages: 200

Binding: hardcover

Christianity (Opera Omnia III.2)

By: Raimon Panikkar
  • $75.00


In this second part of the third volume of Raimon Panikkars Opera Omnia in English, Panikkar offers his reflections on Christianity in our era as well as in many other historical epochs. Following his reflections on Christophany in the World, the reader is introduced to Christophany, Panikkars justly famous text on Christ and mysticism. Christophany offers the attentive reader a way to experience the mystical depths of life. To know Jesus is to experience Jesus mystical life, in particular to share in divinity, and to know God as Abba," Panikkar wrote. What happened in the life of Christ will happen in us and, in our transformed lives, God lives in us without us losing our own being.


Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010) made pioneering contributions to interreligious dialogue, comparative theology, and the phenomenology of religion while bridging different religions and cultures (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism), and advanced the global conversation between the so-called sacred and secular worlds. These diverse contributions were tied together in a unifying vision he called his cosmotheandric intuition,the deep interconnection of the Divine, the Cosmic, and the Human.


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