Jon Sobrino | Orbis Books
Jon Sobrino - Orbis Books


Pages: 224

Binding: softcover

Jon Sobrino

By: Jon Sobrino Robert Lassalle-Klein
  • $24.00


"Helpful for those who need an introduction to one of the great theologians of Latin America.... I highly recommend it." --Michael L. Cook, SJ, in Theological Studies

"The book is a compelling introduction to Sobrino’s theology as well as a powerful book of meditations. " --Nancy Elizabeth Bedford Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Religion Studies Review (Sept 2021)

“You ask, ‘Who are you?’ . . . It would be better to ask the crucified people. They know who we are, who I am—an answer that is not far from another traditional reply: God knows us better than we know ourselves.”

Jon Sobrino, a Jesuit priest in El Salvador, is one of the original voices of liberation theology and among the most influential and prophetic theologians in the church to­day. After studies in Germany, he returned to El Salvador, where his immersion in the world of the suffering poor transformed his theology. It was like “awakening from the sleep of inhu­manity.” From this perspective came a new understanding of Jesus’s life, death, and resur­rection, and their meaning for the “crucified peoples” of the planet.

Sobrino’s work was further shaped by his rela­tionship to Saint Oscar Romero and the other martyrs of El Salvador, particularly his own Jesuit community, who were massacred in 1989. This collection of his “spiritual writings,” which includies many texts available for the first time in English, conveys a powerful understanding of the meaning of discipleship in terms of soli­darity with the poor and rejected people of our world.

Robert Lassalle-Klein is professor of religious studies and philosophy at Holy Names University in Oakland, CA. He is the author of Blood and Ink: Ignacio Ellacuría, Jon Sobrino, and the Jesuit Martyrs of the University of Central America (Orbis 2014), and co-editor of Love That Produces Hope: The Thought of Ignacio Ellacuría (Liturgical Press).

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