Christian Mission, Contextual Theology, Prophetic Dialogue | Orbis Books
Christian Mission, Contextual Theology, Prophetic Dialogue - Orbis Books


Pages: 320

Binding: softcover

Christian Mission, Contextual Theology, Prophetic Dialogue

By: Dale T. Irvin Peter C. Phan
  • $40.00


While honoring Steve Bevans, SVD, a towering figure in the field of mis­siology and a longtime author of Orbis books on missiology, this book is de­signed as a textbook for classroom use. It is organized around the three main foci of Bevans’ theology: mission, contextual theologies, and dialogical theory.

Contributors are a who’s who of contemporary mission studies in global context and represent various Christian traditions throughout the global church.

Dale T. Irvin is president of New York Theologi­cal Seminary and professor of world Christianity. He is the co-author with Scott W. Sunquist of History of the World Christian Movement (Orbis 2001, 2012).

Peter C. Phan, a native of Vietnam, emigrated as a refugee to the U.S. in 1975. He is currently the Ignacio Ellacuría Professor of Catholic Social Thought at Georgetown University. His other Orbis books include The Joy of Religious Plural­ism (2017) and Christianity with an Asian Face: Asian American Theology in the Making (2003).

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