Changing Frontiers of Mission | Orbis Books
Changing Frontiers of Mission - Orbis Books


Pages: 250

Binding: Softcover

Changing Frontiers of Mission

By: Wilbert R. Shenk
  • $28.00


"A valuable resource . . ."--Dana L. Roberts, Boston University

Since Jesus's time, "mission" has preceded the church, and the renewal of the Christian church is linked to recovering this priority of mission. In the past, a frontier was a geographic location; in the future, the "frontier" is symbolized by outward movement, away from the status quo and toward new challenges, new growth, and new opportunities.

Wilbert R. Shenk is professor of mission History and contemporary culture at Fuller Theological Seminary, and has directed a team of more than fifty international scholars in a multi-year study on the missiology of Western Culture. His recent books include North American Foreign Missions, 1810-1914, Enlarging the Story: Perspectives on Writing World Christian History, and By Faith They Went Out: Mennonite Missions, 1850-1999.


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