Pages: 224
Binding: Softcover
Spirituality of Liberation
By: Jon Sobrino
"Composed of articles published by the author between 1980 and 1984, this dense scholarly work stresses that "spirit and practice must join hands" and that liberation theology (which is usually associated with the practice of faith) also has a spiritual side. Sobrino draws from Gutierrez to offer "reflective description" of what has happened in Latin America during the 1970s. While this will be useful to academicians, lay people wishing to explore the issues raised would do better with Robert McAfee Brown's recent work by the same title."-- Library Journal ( LJ 3/1/88). EC Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc
How is it possible to live a spiritual life? What should the kernel of this spirituality be, in this world of crises, challenges, and change? From his immersion in the violent and struggle-filled reality of Central America, Jon Sobrino articulates a way to imbue the practice of liberation with spirituality – a dimension that critics often charge is lacking in liberation theology.
Without spirit, practice degenerates. Without practice, spirit remains vague, undifferentiated, even alienated. Sobrino argues that the only authentic Christian practice is the following of Jesus in one’s own history, that that discipleship must be lived in the spirit of Jesus, in heart and soul as well as world and deed.
Jon Sobrino, S.J., is a Spanish-born Jesuit theologian who has lived in El Salvador for the past two decades. His books include Christ the Liberator, Witnesses to the Kingdom, Where Is God?, Jesus the Liberator, and No Salvation Outside the Poor. With Ignacio Ellacuria he edited Mysterium Liberationis: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology.