Decolonizing Biblical Studies | Orbis Books
Decolonizing Biblical Studies vendor-unknown


Pages: 180

Binding: Softcover

Decolonizing Biblical Studies

By: Fernando F. Segovia
  • $33.00


The field of biblical studies has seen radical changes in the conception, practice, and teaching of biblical criticism. Decolonizing Biblical Studies analyzes models and practices at work in biblical criticsm and pedagogy today, particularly the emerging voices of tne non-Western world. By exploring the principles that underlie all contextual readings of scripture--Hispanic/Latino(s), Black, feminist, and Third World--Segovia offers a powerful challenge to the dominant paradigms of biblical interpretation.


My Personal Voice: The Making of a Postcolonial Critic
Competing Modes of Discourse in Contemporary Biblical Criticism
Cultural Studies and Contemporary Biblical Criticism
Pedagogical Discourse and Practices in Contemporary Biblical Criticism
Toward a Contextual Biblical Pedagogy
Biblical Criticism and Postcolonial Studies
Racial and Ethnic Minorities in Biblical Studies

Fernando F. Segovia, professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Divinity School, Venderbil University, is a past-president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians in the United States. He has served on the editorial boards of The Journal of Biblical Literature and The Journal for the Study of the New Testament, and is editor of Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth S. Fiorenza.

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