Pages: 160
Binding: Softcover
Passion of Christ, Passion of the World
By: Leonardo Boff
"A fine reinterpretation of atonement theory from a liberationist perspective."--Roger Haight, author Jesus Symbol of God
This classic work of liberation theology explores the meaning of the Cross, both as it has been interpreted in the past and how it should be interpreted in the context of contemporary faith and circumstances. These particular circumstances include the poverty and repression, fear and violence under which so many of the world's people suffer today. In such a world, how can the Cross be understood and preached? And what are the consequences of that understanding?
When Boff first wrote in the 1970s his immediate context was military dictatorship, torture, and violent repression in Latin America. As he notes in his new Preface, that context must be enlarged today to include the passion of the Earth--a continuation of the Passion of Christ in our time.
Leonardo Boff is Brazil's best-known theologian, author of more than sixty books on liberation theology, ecology, and spirituality, including Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, Ecclesiogenesis: The Base Communities Reinvent the Church, Jesus Christ Liberator, and is co-author of Introducing Liberation Theology and The Tao of Liberation. In 2001 he received the prestigious Right Livelihood Award, the "alternative Nobel prize," for his contributions.
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