Pages: 248
Binding: softcover
Virtue and Theological Ethics
By: Todd A. Salzman Michael G. Lawler
For those looking for a thoughtful articulation of a progressive Catholic sexual ethic, this book serves as a helpful entry point. --Augustine Collegiate Review
Salzman and Lawler draw upon foundational insights from virtue and theological ethics to propose a Catholic ethical methodological schema for the twenty-first century. Discussing topics such as natural law, conscience, and human dignity, the authors show how their new method may be used to treat issues of human sexuality in light of Catholic's social teaching.
Todd A. Salzman is professor of Catholic theology at Creighton University. He is co-author (with Michael Lawler) of numerous books, including The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology and Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction (both Georgetown).
Michael G. Lawler is dean emeritus of Creighton University's graduate school of arts and sciences and emeritus professor of Catholic theology at Creighton.